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Project Commissioning Services:

BASS can provide a variety of system commissioning services tailored to the requirements of any size or scope of project. BASS assigns a dedicated commissioning team to each project to ensure a successful and efficient implementation of the technology. Each system hardware input and output point and field device is physically verified to operate correctly and accurately. All English menu and color graphic operator displays are verified for correct information including all software points. All control sequences are checked for compliance with the engineer’s specification and the requirements of the various applications. We are accustomed to working closely with the mechanical and electrical trades on the project during startup to ensure that control related issues and questions are addressed in a timely manner.


Database & Application Programming:

Drawing upon its application experience, creativity and modern, efficient programming tools, BASS will develop and install a database and application programming that conforms to an identified standard and in support of host integration objectives while providing the required control sequences.



The training we provide each client is intended to closely match their specific needs for knowledge, and their capabilities and expertise. BASS can provide any combination of off-site training in our training facility, on-site hands-on custom training on your system or factory based training seminars. Experience has demonstrated that the level of commitment the owner dedicates towards training on his new system is directly proportional to the perceived overall success of the system. In fact, we do not consider any of our installations a success until the owner starts referring to the system we have installed as his system as opposed to our system. While we offer a full range of factory training programs, they tend to provide rather generic product related training due to the diversity of their attendees. We have the advantage in that we can provide training that specifically addresses the customer’s applications, sequences, equipment configurations, knowledge level and needs. Beyond formal system training, our customers are encouraged to observe and work alongside our service technicians as they perform service work on their system.

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